Tree around pond
forest quebec2
Apple cavity

Useful Links

 Municipal Tree Bylaws

Town of Sidney Tree Preservation Bylaw - A summary of the bylaw with links to the bylaw and Tree Permit application documents.

North Saanich Tree Protection Bylaw - Tree bylaw document for North Saanich.

 Tree Care Information

Trees are Good Tree Owner Information - A wealth of information for tree owners including a free Tree Owner's Manual PDF.  A site full of tree information for the general public run by the International Society of Arboriculture.

All Arborists are not the Same - This blog entry from Deep Root wonderfully explains the differences between "tree workers" and "arborists". It also details the importance of engaging a consulting arborist early on in development projects.

International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) - The internationally recognized governing body for the arboriculture industry.

UBC Botanical Gardens Forum - Wide array of information about trees and gardens in the Pacific Northwest. Posted questions are normally answered fairly quickly by plant enthusiasts locally and from around the world.

 More Useful Links

Riverview Horticultural Society - Help protect Western Canada's oldest arboretum.

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